Need help extracting gem info

Ive been trying for days to code a simple web app that uses threejs rhino3dm to extract gem info from a 3dm file. I have 3dm of jewelry and for some files i dont have gem map so i thought to code something i can use to upload the file and get gem info. allows me to upload 3dm see it and click diamonds and see the size im basically trying to rebuild that web app but just for grouping diamond sizes and displaying it after i drop in 3dm.

Dear @Tevar_Johnson
welcome to the forum.
if this is a developer (coding / scripting) question - change the category to developer or scripting.
Do you want other users or customers that don 't have a rhino licence interact with your webapp ?
If no - some simpler approach like a script or small plugin should be much less work.

maybe provide a simple 3dm file (just drop it to the edit window, up to 10mb) that shows the data you want to query / organize / …
the final output is just visual ? coloring / hightlighting - and or text / a list ?
how do you define “size” ? same volume ? same number of faces ? same block definition ?

kind regards - tom

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Thanks. I actually came across the viewer examples you guys have at rhino-developer-samples/rhino3dm at 8 · mcneel/rhino-developer-samples · GitHub and building on top of one of them i was actually able to create what i needed. Here’s the code GitHub - tevarjohnson/3DM-Gem-Analyzer if anyone comes across this and wants something like it.

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