HI folks!
Looooong time ago (10 years to be more egsact) forum administrator called Pascal helped me on seting up an alias for two things:
1.) zoom extense active screen
Pascal thanx for the response!
The 1st one is correct but the second is not fully.
The way you made it work now os to place the new location for camera, wich is not what i want. I only need to place new position of the target and zoom in…can oyu remember howve you done it?
ok i tried it on more time…I activated your alias, hit enter one tome, and then got a choise and hit TARGET, then I snap to a target and zoom to window…can you put all this on alias so I dont need to right cliclk every time…
(Note the ‘tick’ in front, by the way) and you can out that on any alias - I changed my ‘Z’ alias to use this macro since I find it much moe useful than a window zoom 99% of the time. Change that in Options > Aliases.
Hi Mario - make sure the spelling and spacing is correct. Space between commands and options, no space inside multiword commands or options and no space after the underscore if you use that (a good idea if you are not running Rhino in English) - underscore counts as the first character in the command, not a separate thing.