Need a script that can do what SelBoundary is doing, in Py

Have you tried changing the SelectionMode?

rs.Command("_SelBoundary _SelectionMode=_Window selid {} _Enter".format(str(obi)))


rs.Command("_SelBoundary _SelectionMode=_Crossing selid {} _Enter".format(str(obi)))

and maybe add a check that it is a textbox before adding to group:

if rs.IsText(a):
    rs.AddObjectToGroup(a, i)

Last suggestion: if you don’t need to keep track of the group names. You could just let AddGroup autogenerate a name rather than passing ‘i’ in.

AddGroup(group_name=None) Adds a new empty group to the document

group_name (str, optional): name of the new group.

If omitted, rhino automatically generates the group name

I actually asked a related question without realizing you had posted this question yesterday. Here is my post in case someone replies to mine. Select Contents of Closed Curve

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