Hi! I am making a cylinder with a pattern by using the flow along surface command, a lot of issues are created where the two outer edges roll up and meet to create the cylinder.
Is there any command to identify non-manifold edges or anything I can do to boolean the overlapping inaccurate edges?
Hey, thanks for the info… maybe I’m asking the wrong question.
My final object I’m working on is a closed polysurface (there are no non-manifold edges when I checked). when I export it as a 3mf to print in my Bambu 3d printer it says the plugin has failed and it won’t export. I then exploded the object and then joined everything back together and then it exported fine (it still says its a closed polysurface). then when I open the 3mf in Bambu it says there are non manifold edges that need to be fixed.
I think it will still print, and maybe it’s nothing to worry about, but it’s just annoying when I put a bunch of work into trying to make the object correctly!
This object is part of a set of four pieces and every other piece exported fine with no error messages or non-manifold edge error stuff. It’s just this one piece that has an issue
but… the best way to export meshes to a printer are to mesh them specifically using the mesh command. That way you can examine the mesh and make sure that everything looks good.
here’s a video breaking down all the settings-
and this one as well-
or the nuclear option, shrinkwrap-
watch the end of this video