My surfaces in Grasshopper are black

I am working on a model in Grasshopper and it all went black. I do not seem to be able to correct the problem.

Thank you


Is there any heavy computation in the script, if yes try opening the grasshopper file on a new rhino document and see if that fixes the problem

in the Grasshopper Menu:
Display → Preview setting → Set a color other then black
(drag and drop one of the given materials)

if the camera-position of your rhino-File does not fit:
bake the geometry, zoom selected, sellast, delete

this is how your file looks after setting the preview to pink…

hope this helps ?

kind regards -tom

Thanks so much. I was wondering it was not black and then it turned black. It was a wood color. Wondering why. it did that. Also when saving Rhino/ Grasshopper files do you save them together? After saving them, when I go to open Rhino it says the file is corrupted. Not sure what I am doing wrong.

Thanks agin