My file is being weird with commands like extrusions and make2d

Whenever I select an extrusion it says no geometry output found, or at the same time when i want to extrude crv the file freezes please help
TAC Cultural Foundation.3dm (5.5 MB)

I can find many extrusions and curves in your attached 3dm, I’d like know could you make a video or a screen shot to show your current issue? Thanks.

Make 2D is my main concern as this occurs. As I want to generate axonometrics for my assignment as line drawing.

Since these objects are toooo far way from the origin, it will cause the Make2d to fail.

You need to move the objects close to the origin so that the Make2D can run normally.

How could I do that?

I made a video for you in my previous reply.

Thank you