Multiple match bug

Often I get the behavior as shown in below video. Sometimes it takes a few tries, this time only 2:

Hm - I notice you select the opposite direction… first CCW then CW… I’ll see if I can repeat this.

@Gijs - it looks to me like this happens when an initial pick for a target edge does not register and you move to a new untrimmed edge get that question/menu about which edge you mean - that means it is still thinking about the previous edge pair, looking for a target, otherwise it would not offer a trimmed edge. I can make this happen if I quickly click twice in the same location for each edge pair - sometimes it misses. Does that seem like what is happening?


ah… yes it looks indeed that that’s what’s happing.

Would be nice if MatchSrf could be tuned up a bit. Right now the selection procedure is quite cumbersome.
Also I would like to be able to match different continuities to different edges in one go, but only 1 flavour can be chosen for all edges.