Multiple lines beween points on different lists with the same index

I’m trying to recreate this:

So far I’m able to make it up to here:

But I can’t seem to find out how to do this for all the lines. Can anyone please have a look at my grasshopper code. Thanks a lot!
lines between points on rotated (8.0 KB)

something like this might work:

I’d also suggest to draw the initial square directly in GH, so you don’t have to internalize the starting geometry each time:

this part here takes care of drawing also the moved+rotated squares:

lines between points on rotated (15.0 KB)


Thank you very very much! This helped me a lot.

Have a nice day!

With your help I was able to make it work for the curves and the points.

Do you have any pointers on how I can place the rectangles between each set of 4 points.

of course this has to be an approximation because the rectangles have to stay flat and not warped or twisted. For example by using these three points to draw the rectangle.

lines between points on rotated (20.2 KB)