Hello everyone, good evening, I’m having trouble finding a way to move these bounding boxes. The idea was to move to the outer sides and subtract, to ultimately make the horizontal and vertical pieces fit together.
OÁSIS URBANO.3dm (276.8 KB)
It’s not clear.
A drawing would be useful to understand what the request is.
basically, I want to move half of the bounding box out so that I can subtract the piece. But the problem is that I can’t move in these different directions, just like in the drawing, If you could help me with this I would be very grateful
I don’t understand exactly what you are trying to do, if those are going to be ribs for a waffle structure of some sort, maybe there are some easier ways that do not involve 3D boolean operations but just use 2D curve booleans…
or even simplifications like just move and use these solids for booleans instead of fragmenting them in tiny parts and then boolean anyway dozens of those?
what is your final goal?
OÁSIS URBANO1.gh (44.7 KB)
like this?
re-OÁSIS URBANO.gh (46.1 KB)
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Thank you very much guys, you helped a lot