MoveUVN wish

Is there any reason that N smoothing couldn’t be included in the MoveUVN command to accompany the existing U and V smoothing?



Yeah… I think I asked about this once in the dim past and though I don’t remember for sure what the details are, if I knew them at all, somehow I’ve put this to one side in my whining about point editing as a result… But, I could be completely confused, maybe @Mikko can say whether this is a reasonable thing to add…


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Sounds reasonable to me. In V6 you can use Smooth command to smooth along normal. Set the coordinate system to “Object” and select “Smooth Z”.

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Hi All, @pascal

Any chance to have such wish come true since long time?
Smooth command doesn’t affect control points selected.
I believe it works with the whole surface only.

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Hello-- this does work on selected control points.

but it does not preview the control point locations, only the result in the surface, I’ll see if that can be tuned up.



Hi @pascal

That’s great! I didn’t realize this because didn’t finish the command. Cool.
And a preview will be helpful for sure.


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I think it does on subD… looks like @pascal says srf’s too.

I noticed this recently while playing with subD’s, I was like :exploding_head:

Guess I didn’t know it worked on srf’s lol idk, I always used the UVN panel throughout history.

My request would be to be able to smooth UV and or N simultaneously on that panel.

I often will smooth one at a time, incrementally just a little bit on each one each time, and that’s annoying cause the user should be able to do them at the same time. :tipping_hand_man:t4:

The ‘slider’ should be able to chain U/V/N together. :tipping_hand_man:t4:

Also, while editing srf control points I’d often delete the extra rows or U’s and V’s before smoothing, and it would be great if the user could delete/toggle/delete without the command ending.

‘Removeknot’ allows this (for knots), but ‘RemoveControlPoint’ doesn’t allow this (for control points).

The purpose is to get more predictable behavior when ‘smoothing’ them after.

At the end of the ‘workflow’ I’d often rebuild the srf to return those silly UV rows back in, to get the ‘normal’ nurbs composition when I’m done editing :relieved:

side note: I memba when you had to use a secret script thingy in V5 to make cp’s round :sweat_smile: So glad V7 has it merged in :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

spherical cp’s would be cooler though :sunglasses:

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