Hi there! I would like to be able to record an animation corresponding to the sequence described below:
- Determine Point A by defining a random point on a given canvas. For the sake of this example, let’s assign a small sphere to this point
- Determine Point B in a similar manner
- Move the sphere from Point A to Point B, with the sphere travelling towards its destination at an accelarating velocity (thinking a graph mapper can be used to achieve this, I want the movement to feel snappy as if the sphere is dashing towards its destination)
- Determine Point C, move Point B to C.
- Repeat creation of points and moving the sphere to them for x cycles.
One way I thought about doing this was to populate a given canvas with x points, and then to just select one out of the list of points randomly, and repeat that selection for x cycles. I realize that using Anemone is probably what I need, but I am unsure how to set up the loop to change the trajectory of the sphere after each consecutive move so I can animate the whole sequence along the path.
Maybe the simplest way is to just populate a geometry with x-amount of points, randomly shuffle the order of the points, draw a polyline connecting the points per this adjusted order, and then use this as the base path for the animation.
How do I create pauses between each move to make the animation feel snappy? Maybe it’s with the graph mapper that I achieve the varying accelaration, and then by adding a couple of extra 0’s at the beginning and 1’s at the end of the range for each path segment to have the point pause a bit before moving on. I’ve included what I came up with in the definition, although not sure how to apply this.
But then how do I get a point to move along this path? I’m a bit lost, would appreciate some help!
point animation.gh (11.1 KB)