Move Möbius Surface Seam

The entire point of separating code that moves the seam (orange group) from code that creates twisted surfaces (white group) was to move the seam on the surfaces created by Lunchbox.

It would have been far simpler to add a move seam option to the white group :exclamation:

Moving the seam means recreating the surface. Doing that requires knowing if the surface has an odd (Möbius) or even number of half twists. I wrote a twists cluster (yellow group) to determine that and have tested it using a pair of AzAlt clusters I wrote (from here) to re-orient the Lunchbox geometry at various positions (242.0 KB)

As a result of that testing, I slightly modified the twists cluster (yellow group) to use an oriented Bounding Box around isocurves in the process of counting half twists (now exported as ‘HT’, though unused). I don’t know if this will always work, there are certainly other ways.

This version (‘19a’) uses the same AzAlt clusters to test the white group. (35.1 KB)