Move face surface problem? (solved)

First I made ​​a rail and cross section curve, then sweep 1, then cap.
When I moved the face the surface isocurves change, second time even more. Is this solvable?
Sample image:
Sample file:Move face surface problem.3dm(218.3 KB)

I would not use MoveFace in this case. You are better off either using subobject selection to get the face and then move it by dragging or Gumball; or, even better, create the object with History on, then modify the input curve length via point editing, the pipe will follow.

Edit: sorry, I re-read your post, you used Sweep1 plus Cap and not Pipe, after the the Cap operation history will be broken, so method #2 will not work in that case. It will work if you use Pipe.


Thanks Helvetosaur,
Pipe command with Record History and curve endpoint movement, solves the problem.

I’m glad that the pipe method works in this case here. Just to add a bit to what the Helvetosaur mentioned…

If you do this as a new extrusion you won’t rebuild the surface structure. So the workflow would be to Ctrl+Shift click the face>release the Ctrl+Shift keys>Start to translate the face using the gumball in Y>type 280 and press enter while still dragging the face with the gumball>Hold down the Ctrl key and finally release the left mouse button.