Most recent Beta

Thanks for todays update of the BETA.

It recognized both Keyshot and Evolute plugins and I’m happy that both plugins work!

One issue however, SubD geometry is not recognized by Keyshot.

Maybe KS10 will? Who knows?

Until it does recognize SubD objects you could extract the render mesh _ExtractRenderMesh and hide the SubD object while rendering.


I’m thinking a number of plug-ins made for V6 that also run in V7 (without having been adapted) will have no idea what to do with a SubD…

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Please remind the developer that the Rhino 7 SDKs have been available for many months. It sounds like they only need a very minor tune-up of their plugin.

Hello Martin,

Thank you for contacting Luxion Support.

I will pass this on to the Development team, but checking the updates to KeyShot 10 it does not look like it has been added to the initial release of KeyShot 10 later this month.

Referencing your Ticket ID#:18590


Justin Adams

Support manager
Luxion Inc