Moiré effect with twisted graphene sheets

I have read a fascinating post on quanta magazine about superconducting effect detected when you twist two graphene layers with the “magic angle” 1.1 degree (

I wanted to understand the geometry discussed in the article. Well, with just 4 grasshopper components, it can be done (see below).


Ah, but how would you generate the actual curves which describe the various levels of Moiré interference you get this way?

Well, if your question is “how can you have a hunch that 1.1 degree is producing the best Moiré effect ?”, the answer is “I can’t”.

The article of 2012 that described the 1.1 degree “magic angle” is the result of computations beyond my grasp Below are two figure from that article.

This probably means nothing. Using the distance to the nearest neighbour in the rotated hexagon grid as an elevation, which is then contoured.

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Could you provide the gh file ? there are some components I am not familiar with. Thanks.

At home now with only an iPad, but it’s Rotate Plane, Hexagon Grid, Deconstruct Point, Construct Point, Closest Point, Delaunay Mesh, and Contour.

I suspect for a better measure of Moiré strength, several of the closest points need to be taken into account, nit just the closest point.