Modify window parameters during the simulation run time

Hello everyone,

I am working with Honeybee to run an energy simulation of a very simple model created in Rhino.
The model is a mock-up; it’s just a cube with one glass wall.

I need to modify some parameters of the window during the simulation run time according to a custom function.
Let’s make a very quick example: the U value of the window must change according to the indoor and outdoor temperatures, following a predetermined function (e.g. Uval= aTin + bTout + c).
I cannot make this evaluation a posteriori but the calculation should be performed at each time step (e.g. 10 or 30 minutes) since the U value at one time step influence the indoor environment at the following and so on.

Is it possible to create this ‘loop’ in Grasshopper?
I am not an expert in using Grasshopper and Rhino but I hope I was clear.

Many thanks in advance to anyone that could help me in set up this model!

Best Regards,