Modeling Shear Wall with Pinned Horizontal Connections in Karamba

Hello everyone,

As part of my research, I am investigating the effect of a core on the overall stability of a structure. I am modeling the shear wall as a shell element and simulating both vertical and horizontal connections using the Beam-Joint component in Karamba.

The objective is to study how varying the stiffness of these connections influences the structure’s stability. Specifically:

  • Vertical connections are modeled appropriately.
  • Horizontal connections are adjusted by changing their stiffness, such as setting Ry = 0 to simulate a pinned connection.

The issue arises when I set the horizontal connections to pinned (Ry = 0). While the model works as expected when the horizontal connections are rigid, switching to pinned leads to an eigenvalue problem in the analysis.

In a previous trial, I modeled the core as an X-bracing system, and the analysis worked as expected. However, now that I have switched to modeling the core as a concrete shear wall (a shell element), this eigenvalue issue has appeared.

If anyone has encountered a similar problem or has suggestions on how to resolve this, I would greatly appreciate your insights.

For clarification, I have attached my Grasshopper file and some relevant screenshots to provide more context in the pdf
Kerstmis model 26 (129.9 KB)

Kind regards,
Question Karamba.pdf (198.8 KB)

Hi, this seems to be correct, because you have released Ry then the structure is kinematic in that plane at the areas which are not connected to the core and therefore the entire structure is instable.

Hello Matthew,

Thank you for your responds!

I figured it out thanks to you.

Kind regards,
Schelto Blanken