Hello everyone,
As part of my research, I am investigating the effect of a core on the overall stability of a structure. I am modeling the shear wall as a shell element and simulating both vertical and horizontal connections using the Beam-Joint component in Karamba.
The objective is to study how varying the stiffness of these connections influences the structure’s stability. Specifically:
- Vertical connections are modeled appropriately.
- Horizontal connections are adjusted by changing their stiffness, such as setting Ry = 0 to simulate a pinned connection.
The issue arises when I set the horizontal connections to pinned (Ry = 0). While the model works as expected when the horizontal connections are rigid, switching to pinned leads to an eigenvalue problem in the analysis.
In a previous trial, I modeled the core as an X-bracing system, and the analysis worked as expected. However, now that I have switched to modeling the core as a concrete shear wall (a shell element), this eigenvalue issue has appeared.
If anyone has encountered a similar problem or has suggestions on how to resolve this, I would greatly appreciate your insights.
For clarification, I have attached my Grasshopper file and some relevant screenshots to provide more context in the pdf
Kerstmis model 26 12.gh (129.9 KB)
Kind regards,
Question Karamba.pdf (198.8 KB)