Hello, I’m pretty new to Rhino and I’m trying to model a ceramic plate. I have the plan, section and also the rail but I don’t know how to build the model and which commands I should use. Tried with sweep 2 but was not successfull. Any tips are very welcomed thank you!
I’m attaching the pdf file with the contours and my failed trial with Rhino
ceramic plate.3dm (285.0 KB)
Cortes chaucha.pdf (361.1 KB)
Hi Elisa - does this get at the basic shape you are after?
ceramic plate_Maybe.3dm (303.0 KB)
Yes! Exactly! Could you please explain how did you do it? Thank you so much
Hi Elisa - there are probably a few ways to get at this but for starters I would shoot for this arrangement of curves for the basic shape:
This allows you to use NetworkSrf to create the surface, even though there is a bit more work to do.
But I would concentrate first on making clean, simple, accurate curves that actually meet where they should
And have, where possible simple point structure:
Getting that red curve to be correct both in plan and in elevation is key to this as well - that is what is going to make or break the flow of the surface.
I would look at some of the training material maybe the ‘level 2’ stuff on these pages to get a better sense of how curve and surfaces are structured
SubD would be another perfectly valid set of tools for this type of shape as well.