Model Block Definition - Geometry moved


Question about the Model Block Definition in the Rhino-tab in Grasshopper: when retrieving Breps from Blocks (from an external IFC-file) all these Breps move to a certain point. Is there a way to keep them in place?

My final goal was to explode the geometry of these blocks. Is there a better way?

Thanks for helping,

The specific point you mean is the origin, right?
This is because you deconstruct the block definition.
What you want would be to bake the objects at the transformations of the block instances, correct?


If you pick the block instances and then use this component, then it should explode it.
Be aware that on a rightclick I think I remember that you should pick recursive if you want a full explosion of the blocks.

Hi @tobias.stoltmann thank you for the quick reply!

Correct, I think this is what’s happening. I believe the ExpBlock is an Elefront-component? This was not yet installed here, I’ll do it now!

Hi Pieter -

Instead of using the block definition, you can simply use the block instances.


Hi Wim,

I tried this, but this didn’t work:

Hi Pieter -

I suppose that’s why it’s always a good idea to post an actual .gh file and not a picture…

At any rate, it sounds like you have nested blocks in there. You can explode recursively to explode blocks in blocks.


Thank you Wim, I’ll try to explode recursively as well.

I think the problem is I am confusing Blocks with Block Instances.

In this case I didn’t thought it was usefull to share the .gh-file, since the source file is the most important one and that’s client-confidential. Can I PM it to you?

Hi Pieter -

The best option is always to try to make something that isn’t sensitive information, but if all else fails, you can send me the file.