Missing Title Bar

Anyone know why my title bar went missing?

Hi Eric- no idea why it went away, but you should be able to get it back via Options > Appearance page.


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You’re the best Pascal. I never knew that was an option. It went away, came back, and then left for good.

Now that I know it exists, I will turn it off for recording screen caps as the title bar has my file path which includes client names :thumbsup:

Hmmm - what non-default plug-ins are you running, if any?


Just the same ones I’ve been using for about a year now. And I haven’t updated any of them in quite a while.

Yikes. That’s quite a few. My preliminary diagnosis is… - it’s one o’ them. - TSplines was thought to be guilty (at least guilt-by-association) at some point of changing settings, but not in Appearance that I know of.


I love the open ecosystem of Rhino for plugins, but I sure wish you guys had a way of capturing bad activity and providing a report card of sorts. There are several plugins I paid a lot for, some listed in that picture, some not, that I’ve quit using.