Missing Components Karamba3D

I recently purchased the product and succesfully received the license key. After following the instructions on your companys page I was able to download (Karamba3D 3.1.4 RH8 Core (PC)) and partially install your product.

I was trying to optimize a shell when I first recognized that some components were missing, such as the “Mesh to Shell” component. However before recognizing this I had previously checked the license via a panel and everything showed up correctly (EDU license) so everything should have been fine. I restarted the programm but the issue persisted.

After this I decided to download the other version from your site (Karamba3D 3.1.4 RH8 Framework (PC)) and installed it to see if this would work but the components still did not show up so I decided to check the license again. After connecting it to a panel I found out that it only showed up as a trial license now.

In the end I de-installed everything and re-installed the full (Karamba3D 3.1.4 RH8 Core (PC)) version. The license shows up correctly again but the components are atill missing.

I do not know how to proceed. I need the missing components for a project and cannot continue with the plug-in being in the state that it is now so I have to ask for help fixing the issue.

I have the newest version of Rhino, Windows 11 and every other requirement should be met.

Thank you in advance.

The meshtosurface component has been changed to Create Surface Element in version 3. Please check 3.1.7 Create Surface Element | Karamba3D v3. You might be receiving files from older versions of Karamba.