Minor Bug - Mirrored Block Boolean Difference Failure

This is something I’ve been ignoring/working around for a while. But as I develop a workflow I realize that this is slowing me down pretty badly. I do realize that nobody else probably does this so it’s perhaps a low priority. But I decided to post just in case there’s a quick fix.

This came about because I’ve been testing Rhino for small steelwork projects. I’ve been modelling the fasteners and creating blocks for fasteners of the same size/grip. When I place the fastener, I can just temporarily add a cylinder the size of the hole I want to cut out. I mirror the blocks quite often hence where this issue comes about.

There are work-arounds for sure but they take a bit of extra time. But just a bit, hence why this isn’t critical (but might be easy to fix, so here it is :wink:
Mirrored Block Boolean Difference Failure.3dm (164.5 KB)