This has happened to me a couple of times now.
I type in Mir to get the mirror command, but in my haste hit the c key and it runs the _microscribecalibratetip command… and then Rhino crashes
Oh and just lost me three hours of work !!
why is it I always forget to save when it matters
Hi Bill -
I’m seeing a crash report from you from November 3rd but nothing more recent.
At any rate, I suppose you are not using a MicroScribe and the easy way out would be to disable the MicroScribe plug-in in the plug-in manager:
It was earlier today wim
Pretty hefty crash so no autosave unfortunately (although I did find one from an hour or so previously)
Thanks for the tip regarding disabling the plugin… I’ll do that
You should have an AutoSave file in the Windows Recycle Bin with less than 20 minutes of lost work.
Yes I’m not sure what happened but I seemed to have lost more than that… anyway as long as I have a way to disable / prevent repetition I’m fine,
It’s certainly true that I didn’t lose anywhere near 3 hours wrk when I’d located the autosave file… although rhino didn’t flag there was an autosave when I reopened and the .bak file was several days old
This happened to me as well a couple of times. I don’t think its a good look for rhino to ship with a default command that straight up crashes the program. Can’t the plugin just be off by default?
The same happened a few times. I have my own aliases like EC for extrudecrv and MI for the mirror but every time when I use a new computer or from someone else, I hit MI and rhino picks this dangerous command. I don’t know its use but I don’t believe that it can be much popular command than the mirror command so it is kinda annoying to get this command before the mirror as a suggestion. I love rhino’s command system that it can show often-used commands in the first order as suggestions but this as well sometimes can make trouble. For example if you use a few times triangulatemesh, next time when you type TR and expect to trim something, it would show triangulatemesh instead and this can crash depending on the object it tries to apply this.
yes please …
Hi Robert -
As some point during the Rhino 8 WIP phase, support for the Microscribe was removed and we were promptly asked to put it back in place.
The better option is to try to make sure that it doesn’t cause crashes.
I’m not seeing a crash report from you. Does the reporter pop up when Rhino crashes?
We have also changed some of the dependencies in Rhino 8, and it’d be good to know if the command also crashes in that version.
Typing mi- really should default to the mirror command and not this file wrecker. Same goes with other standard prompts, like tr- defaulting to triangulatemesh and not trim. Very frustrating and seems like an easy fix. This has caused me to lose work multiple times.
Yes, in the Rhino Options, create a “MI” alias for Mirror
and a “TR” alias for Trim