MiAU 2nd Term - Master in Computational Design at UPM Madrid

MiAU 2nd Term
Master in Computational Design
Advanced Specialization
UPM Madrid

Presented by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, the Master’s Degree in Advanced Infographics is a postgraduate professional program at the convergence of technology, architecture, art, and design.

Its academic structure offers advanced training in the technical skills to recast the boundaries of these disciplines while fostering critical thought in the context of design speculation.

This course is geared to qualified architects, engineers, artists, or designers who have completed their bachelor’s degree or equal level certificate. The program is in English.

Inscriptions open until Feb 19th

Term period
Feb 19 - June 29

Final Presentations: June 29

300 teaching hours
From Monday to Thursday


Core Subjects
Digital Fabrication
City Labs
Multidisciplinary Design Project
Advanced Algorithms And Dataviz
Professional Workflows
Total Design (conceptProductGraphic)

Specialization Modules:
Choosing 2 of 3 to complete this degree (can be done separately as UPM’s specialization course)

Project Generation Module
Thermodynamics And Environmental Behaviour
Advanced Geometry
Project Information Modelling (BIM Project)

Computer Graphics Module
Reactive Environments And Digital Landscapes
Professional Image Production
Virtual Ecosystems

New Technologies Module
Interaction Vr
Computer Vision
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Life

Complete info here…

Posted Dec 28, 2017 by Carlos Perez on Rhino News, etc.