Metal - noticable performance drop on slightly denser mesh

when i use Testmetal to activate open gl, the mesh gets more manageable. basically when you zoom out to view the entire mesh and start rotating the viewport in perspective it becomes pretty sluggish, and this on an m1 ultra.

info.txt (4.8 KB) since the zipped model has 130 mb i upload it via wetransfer

Slightly denser? That’s 7 million tris.

Works fine on M2 Max with Rhino 8.3

with ZEA on my full screen MBP16" base model I am getting
18fps with Metal
38fps without Metal

But I think the TestMaxSpeed command is not giving accurate results, as both feel very similar when scrubbing with the trackpad

how come you have 8.3 when not even 8.2 is available. you are clearly cheating!
well ok was it improved in that case?

I’m special.

I don’t know if there has been work on optimizing performance for cases you give. I am just reporting what I am seeing.

Rhino 8.2 is available as Service Release Candidate, but I see you are on 8.1 with an evaluation license. I don’t know if that has the capability to update to service release candidates.

It should, but IIRC there was a problem on the Mac side with this.