Meshmachine / plankton related questions

Hi @timothytai,

  1. “PlanktonGh.dll” is just “Plankton.gha” renamed.
    Visual Studio 2013 made it difficult to reference non-DLLs into a project (such as MeshMachine), so the two ended up getting distributed. Ideally PlanktonGh.dll wouldn’t exist at all. In the case of MeshMachine, I manually edited remesher.csproj to reference the .gha directly…
  2. To compile MeshMachine, drop Plankton.dll and Plankton.gha in the lib/ folder. The RhinoCommon and Grasshopper references are handled by NuGet. If you’re using VS 2017 then these packages will be restored automatically when you start the build.
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