MeshBooleanSplit/MeshSplit Issue

I’m trying to split my model into 8 separate pieces for a 3D print, but I haven’t been able to, I tried everything and any help would be appreciated!!
mesh split.3dm (3.3 MB)

Look at these non-manifold edges… even if you could somehow split the mesh, this won’t print.

The mesh needs to be cleaned up first. My first attempt would be the command MeshRepair

I ran MeshRepair and copy / pasted the mesh into RHino 8 WIP. My only hope on such a bad quality mesh is the new command called ShrinkWrap.

It is possible to create a closed mesh, however I’m not sure what to expect when this is printed. Some parts of the mesh are very thin and most probably would need to be thickened. I tried with 0.5 mm edge length and 0.2 mm offset. The result is a closed mesh.

I have been able to split the mesh with MeshIntersection after I closed the extrusions in the layer Base. I tried to split with 4 surfaces instead of individual extrusions but it failed.

mesh split.3dm (19.8 MB)

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Is it possible for you to share the repaired mesh? I don’t currently have Rhino 8 so it would be helpful

Some of the split mesh parts have voids. What printer are you trying to print this on?

I’m using the Ultimaker Cura and the printer is called IIIP