Hello !
I am trying to scale the openings of my surface depending on the incident radiation. In order to do that I need one smooth surface but I have a mesh. Therefore gh scales every box of the mesh separately.
Does anyone know how to turn a mesh (output of kangaroo) into a surface without a grid?
The important part of the file is marked in red.
Thanks for your reply ! But I don´t really get what you did there. I want the surface to be smooth and not split into these squares that came from the mesh.
You are using various add-ons that I don’t have (I never work with any add-on anyway - except K2). But you start from a flat Polyline (Patch is not required) and then you get a flat Mesh and then … various mysterious things are MIA.
So … IF the goal is some sort of “vault” (with openings) … use accordingly K2 in order to relax it (this yields a “smooth” Mesh) and then do your offsets on the resulting Mesh Faces (quads or triangles). Obviously if all the above were code driven (i.e. Loop the relaxation [put the K2 job into some piece of code] until a suitable result is achieved) … that could be way easier.
One thing you could do is regenerate your trimmed surface, as untrimmed, flat, using SrfGrid (Surface from points), grabbing the same point count for the U & V of your first (flat) mesh - then use the vertices of this mesh to find coincident points on the surface, so you end up replacing said coincident points (with those on the kangaroo-transformed mesh), making your new untrimmed surface from the points:
Well … IMHO the whole approach is pointless (IF an AEC type of vault is the target). See attached for an entry level take - without the things that matter i.e. the LBS (W truss, seft supporting torsion free modules … or other) and a zillion other stuff related with some real-life envelope.
Right. 'Not sure if the OP specified anything beyond needing a ‘smooth’ surface. Nonetheless I agree no patch is needed and that a nice mesh can be generated from the starting flat polyline.
How would you go about it? Simply quad-meshing it or partitioning the polyline using edge extensions + subdividing?
The general case (any collection of curves outlining a BrepFace - or many) is exposed in the above C#. If some more “equalized/normal/whatever” footprint is required (*) then … well … one should do the outer Crv/Poly via various “ortho” constrains (rather very easy via code). But - in a hurry - set the rot to 0 and use an ortho Poly (so to speak).
But … this approach is pointless: think the end result (case: a “rational” LBS via a classic W Truss). I mean a vault (a pathetic topology anyway) that has a “smooth” rnd outer skin while the footprint is heavily constrained … is a muted kind of thing … kinda a Harley Davidson (avoid riding any model).
Moral: a vault should be “chaotic” in every sense (Again: IF an AEC vault is the target) . But the bad news is that you can’t solve it in real-life without code (life sucks).