Mesh BREP bug report

Hi. I noticed this bug a long time ago, and i can not find anything about this online. Each time I want to use Mesh Brep component, the first time it works fast, but if i feed this node new geometry, or update geometry(scale for example, it takes 20x-200x more time to compute. Because of that, in my definitions where i need to convert complex breps into meshes, it can take 20-40 minutes to load definition, unless i open definition with locked solver, delete mesh brep components, unlock definition and create new mesh brep components. NOTICE that only delete and create new helps. Turning off the component does not help to reduce computation time. Disconnecting components and connecting again does not help as well.
mesh brep (441.6 KB)

When you open the definition it might work the first time, but when you try to change scale or connect again to the same mesh brep, computation becomes very slow.

Because of this issue many times i forget i used mesh brep, and i have to kill rhino and grasshopper and reopen everything with solver locked. Also i can not use these nodes in definition without some kind of data dams without risking freezing everything for a long time

McNeel developers please address the issue

Hi @dfytz1,

Maybe you should use the “Jagged and Faster” mesh setting until you’re ready to bake.

– Dale

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thank you for sugesstion, it does resolve the issue - computation time does not increase when i use jagged or smooth setting. But bug is a bug, when i do not use these settings nodes i can freeze my definition to the end of the day or use task manager and lose my progress. But that is a good workaround, thanks