Hi, architecture student here, back with another problem I can’t work out on my own. You guys were very helpful with a question I had yesterday, I hope this one can get a solution too!
I have some buildings in plan that I have offset in grasshopper, and they create overlapping curves and/or meshes. Does anyone know how I can merge these meshes into one? I basically want to run a boolean union or merge all faces so that the meshes combine (no overlaps), and then somehow create surfaces to fill the voids created by the merged area.
I’ve tried a few things such as Mesh Join and others but none of them seem to work.
You could also do it manually within Rhino. If you have the building offset curves/outlines, you can use the CurveBoolean command. Urban proposal v6b_CH.gh (24.1 KB)
Rhino V6.