Can anyone help me to merge curves in a grid?
In this way, when I offset and extend it, the overlapping section will not appear? (15.0 KB)
Can anyone help me to merge curves in a grid?
In this way, when I offset and extend it, the overlapping section will not appear? (15.0 KB)
Hey @YuYX I don’t have your plugins so not everything comes up - try internalizing your data in question after the plugin operation(s):
Hi @René_Corella, I tried your method, actually the set up is pretty simple, just use any panel grid (such as morph2D and anything), and map the unit pattern into the grid. However, the outcome from the mapping is not a closed curve, I wish to get a close curve.
But it seems nothing get changed, please see the attached screenshot.
Thanks - simply right-click ‘internalise’ that data
component even if curves aren’t closed - we can join them afterwards but to properly check your file, data must come in
Can you open the following file which comes from the other post but with similar problem? (19.5 KB)
Same thing:
But your stuff will come in if you do this:
Then you just replace with your data again afterwards.
Even I follow it, data in panel are not close curves?
If possible, can you please to do simple demo for me to follow?
That’s fine - I just wanted to point out you had to flatten your data - I guess I could have just said it haha - @kev.r has it
Very interesting, may I ask the logic behind for flatten certain input and simultaneously connecting H values?
you want a flattened list as input to the Boundary Surfaces component as shown here
otherwise you get a mis-match in DataTrees:
Thanks, learned something, appreciated
Hi @kev.r ,
I notice a small detail. These segments gave me some trouble for meshing, is there any way to make them into a continuous curve? (11.0 KB)
Too bad you didn’t get the repeated message about internalizing data after your Parakeet plugin components.
can I know what you mean?
That’s up to you,
Thank you for your advice. I will pay attention to it in my next post.
Thank you!!!