Is there an easy way to measure like a cloth measuring tape wrapped around a figure? (Measurement would not dip into any concavities and would skim over a rough surface.)
(I see posts related to this from '14 and '19; I am wondering if there is anything new.)
Project a line onto your object where you want to measure.
Divide the projected curve (Split=No) by a bunch- maybe 64 to start, but it will depend upon the shape and how accurate you want to be.
Select the points and run this test command (unsupported and does not autocomplete)
This will, mysteriously to me, but it is a test command, make two, not one, line segments between each pair of points.
Run SelLast, Isolate, SelDupDelete and then SelAll, Join, then Length, and Unisolate.
The length will be of a polyline approximation of the measuring tape.