Measuring angles

Hi there. For a school project, I have three units, composed of 5, 6 and 7 equilateral triangles around one vertice. I can connect them by Snap.
An example after connecting some units:
My purpose is now to measure the angles between the units, like this below.
I was only able to do it with one angle (see picture below), but this is a lot of clicks (extracting the right faces etc.)

Is there a better way, so that you can measure all the angles in one click?

File: measuring (18.1 KB)

filter meshes/surfaces that are connected. Build normals. Your angle is the angle between the two normals.

Cheers, Raul

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Hi, thank you for your answer. So now, I scripted the angle of the normals, but I don’t know how to filter the meshes that are connected. (I’m a beginner :sweat_smile:)