Maximum Negative Offset Distance

How would you go about determining the maximum distance that a closed curve could be offset before it intersects itself (negative offset/inward direction). Outside of a really heavy loop of testing offset values until it intersects, I don’t see a geometric way of determining this.

The maximum negative value is equal to the offset of a circle.

OffsetMax = \sqrt{Area\\Pi}

calculating the area with for example an offset divided by 2 could lead by recursion to the maximum offset distance.
here a simple test but you must sort polygon by area after the offset and take the biggest area (not sure it is 100 % true)
3 recursions

That’s a classic “bounce” solver task:

  1. After finding orientation (thus what is inward … thus value of the offset var) define a “small” offset step.
  2. Loop using (Plan A) the crap R offset Method and each time check if the result yields self Ccx Events (there’s a handy R Method for that) or (Plan B) do something like the captured test (added perp lines to help you to get the gist of the approach):
  3. If you arrive into an self ccx Event (Plan A) or no Valid Crvs (Plan B), divide step by 2.0 and backtrace the offset (i.e. start from the last OK result).
  4. Continue until the (smaller and smaller) step is less than some (rational) value.