Material with no mass

Hi all,

I’m working on a project in which I need to add a steel structure over an existing concrete building.

How can I do to have as output from the solver only the mass of the steel structure? Is there a way to split the total in two values, or to give a “no mass material” to the concrete structure?

thanks in advance

Hi Bruno,
the output of mass per material can be generated via a small C#-cript: (21.6 KB)
The script assumes that Karamba3d 1.3.0 is used.

Hi Clemens,

Sorry to bring back older topic but I am facing the same problem. I need to divide mass output for concrete and steel. Other than that, is it possible to get masses by element identifiers? That would be the best option.

Regarding your script, its not available anymore. Could please reupload it?

Thank you for help.

Hi Daniel,

here is the script again: (21.6 KB)
It works for Karamba3D 1.3.1. For Karamba3D 1.3.2 one has to select ‘Manage Assemblies’ from the C#-components context menu in order to reference ‘karambaCommon.dll’ which resides in the Rhino6 ‘Plug-ins’-folder.

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