Material Transparency issue?

This just doesn’t look right to my eye. Transparency difference between views. Doesn’t make sense logically either.

Anyone else seeing this with build 5A731?


Just to confirm… is that a PictureFrame edited to be transparent and what you show is a bit of a Wireframe viewport and a Shaded viewport? If so, I see the difference too and it appears to be due to using the ‘advanced GPU lighting’ option in the display mode or not using it…

I think it looks better with it on. I’m not sure if this is a bug yet or as designed

@dan @marlin may know more

Yes to all of the above.

Just to note, I haven’t changed any default display settings, I have a few custom ones, but not used here.

And I change that where? Or is this internal?


Preferences>Display Modes>Then it’s about half way down on the right for any selected display mode. The Adv. GPU lighting is off for Wireframe by default.

Thanks @BrianJ. Advanced GPU lighting is off in Wireframe and on in Shaded by default?

Got it now …

Looking at Windows Rhino 5 this is off in the defaults for both modes… So I think the revert to defaults option isn’t working yet in Mac Rhino. The result in Win Rhino with and without the Adv. GPU option is also the same so I’m thinking this is a bug now and will file it.