I’m new to Karamba and I’m trying to manually enter the material properties for plywood (Sperrholz), but I keep getting an error in the Poisson’s ratio. Since I don’t have a specific material data sheet, I am using the information given in technical tables (Schneider Bautabellen) for plywood, which does not include the Poisson’s ratio, and unfortunately I have not been able to find any values for the Poisson’s ratio on the Internet.
Am I using the wrong values? Has anyone successfully implemented plywood in Karamba?
And also another question, which strength hypothesis should I use?
I think S235 is just the default name given, so it does not mean that steel is selected. It should also not affect anything since the material properties are defined from zero.
If I recall correctly, the Poisson’s ratio formula you wrote is only valid for isotrophic materials. In the Karamba website it is given that the Poisson’s ratio for an orthotropic material is calculated taking into account the different Young’s modulus for each direction. (3.5.1: Material Properties | English 英文 | Karamba3D 2.2.0)
I read the section on the website you attached, but I still don’t understand how to solve the error, since the equation used by Grasshopper to calculate nue1,2 using E1, E2, and G12 (the one from my previous post) will not fulfill the condition that nue1,2 must be smaller than sqrt(E1/E2) (the result is above 4). So I wonder if the values I used are the right ones or if I misunderstood the values in the table…
Sorry, I should have mentioned in the first post that I used the E05 values instead of the mean values (E,05 = E,mean * 0.8 according to the table). Then I converted the values from N/mm2 to kN/cm2 as that is the unit used by Karamba.