Material direction

Here is an example. Rhino 6 for Mac model.
I have tried exploding the roof polysurface to try to work with just the single triangular surface… that does not have any affect. They just line up along the world axes.
The roof tiles are the program’s "built-in” dark slate. I think with box mapping here.

The barn roof tile is my png image from Rhino 5.

The stair treads and porch decking are polished walnut with box mapping. Same story.

I have tried adjusting each and every setting, one at a time, in the texture control panel, No setting change makes any display change, except sometimes the type of mapping (surface, box, etc.). I thought I understood how this worked in Rhino 5. I was able to get my png photo of shingle siding to all line up with the shingles the same height in the different surfaces of the model back in rhino 5. Seems totally different and not intuitive now. Maybe it is better, I just don’t understand what I am missing. Your manual does not shed any more light on it, and seems to reinforce my understanding from Rhino 5 version.

  • Matt