The image above covers one square inch on my 2560 x 1440 monitor (with “extra-large icons” chosen!). ctrl+scroll won’t make them any bigger than that (but it will make them smaller). On previous installations this hasn’t been a problem. This may be a zoom setting, or maybe it’s a windows 11 thing. I’d sure like to have at least twice the size and resolution for these things (probably three times) without zooming the entire interface by that much.
Rhino 8 WIP has:
This will be welcome. I haven’t had this issue until this year, so I wonder if something’s changed to make the icons smaller on the current version of Rhino.
Possibly the selected zoom in Windows display settings?
Thanks Nathan. Can you say where to find that setting?
It’s at the bottom of the materials panel as shown in his video
I’m referring to this setting in Windows.