hello, I have two lists of surfaces, 1 list contains around 25 surfaces and the second one contains around 50 surfaces, ive been trying to build a code where it can match a surface from the 25 surfaces to 1 surface of the 50 surfaces according to its area, but the thing is that i dont want to count the same surface twice (meaning i dont want the same surface to work for two surfaces for example from the second list) to make this more complicated , in a case where a certain surface is big enough from the first list that contains 25 surfaces ,there is no match for it in the 50 surfaces list for example, it can add up two surfaces that arent in use and make sure areas are approxiematly the same size and count them as 1 and match between these surfaces (if we are talking tolerances, the equality can be tolerance up to 5% + - the area from either one of the areas)
You can pair their areas by creating a dummy point that has a z value equal to the area and finding it’s closest point. Here is a file doing just that. ParingByArea.gh (27.3 KB)
Hi ^^
the question was a little bit more complicated, for example in what you sent, we can see that theres areas that dont have a pair, but i was trying to figure out for example, if i can take two areas that has at least 1 line mutual between them ,that i can combine them into 1 new surface with a bigger area that can match one of the bigger areas
stating @Quan_Li
combining smaller surfaces : if a single surface in the first list is too large, you want to combine areas of unused surfaces in the second list (with a tolerance of 5%) to find a match ^^