Mass Addition component in C#

Actually I think the issue is that the compound assignment *= is syntax sugar that really should be avoided in cases like this where the underlying operator is noncommutative (x*y != y*x).
It’s easy to be conditioned by the familiar * scalar operator and gloss over the ambiguous (?) meaning of xform1 *= xform2.

In that other thread I’m pretty sure I was doing coordinate basis transformations, where multiplying additional transformations onto the right was the correct way of doing things. (as opposed to geometry transformations in fixed reference space as is being done here)

I’d definitely just spend the extra couple of keystrokes and type result = t * result or result = result * t to make the intention clear.


Where is Matrix Revolutions? :smiley:

Alas: The End occured first => adios amigos

Brobably for the best we never got there :rofl:

A disappointing conclusion to the Matrix trilogy
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