Mapping sticks onto a surface + force analysis + overlapping volume

I have been playing with the new file a bit and i wonder if the new spheric points also includes the information of the normal? as in if i map any geometry to the points it seems like they are only taking the xyz coordinates but not the original normal of the sphere
now messing with the old 1E file!!!

PointsOnSphere_V1 (1).gh (23.5 KB)

Nornals are not the big thing here (it could be if sticks were cylinders: we need properly oriented planes since we must control where x and y goes [that does the C# in the old V1E as well]). See the complete thing.

PS: For planes think a points (on Sphere) tree:

set plane origin = tree.Branch(i)[j]
set xAxis point = tree.Branch(i+1)[j]
set yAxis point = tree.Branch(i)[j+1] (132.4 KB)

I feel like my C++ knowledge here is only helping me understand what the syntax are but not what the things are lmao
the last stick set on the y axis seem to be left out…?


i am so gonna crack this riddle

Preview the planes in order to get the gist of the creation logic. The origin is always the given Tree point {i}[j]. The x point is always the “next” (branch) point with the same index {i+1}[j]. And the plane is finally defined by the Y point {i}[j+1] in such a way that is coplanar with these 3 (y direction is a derivant so to speak). Since Z points inwards we need to set flip == true;

wait so does that mean i would need to add 1 to i/j and ignore the underivable one? or do i just toggle true for flipping? toggling true doesnt seem to be working tho


Are you kidding me? What means doesn’t work? Wait … this occured recently in another case were user reported that nothing works whilst everything was OK here. Karma, what else?

On the other hand … and until the walk from C++ to C# is done get the attached and as the challenge of the day try to define planes (using normals to BrepFace + some mysterious other stuff) suitable for extruding rectangles. Def is using native components (well … almost).

Morph_grid_to_brep_V1.3dm (119.7 KB) (122.9 KB)