Making a pyramid on top of a mesh face without weaverbird extension

Hello! I am working with a mesh on grasshopper that was imported from rhino. I was wondering if I can extrude the center of the mesh faces to creating pyramids without using the weaverbird extension. Thanks!

In case that you are familiar with coding (shown C#) is rather elementary:

public List<Mesh> pyramids;
  public Mesh pyramid;

  public void GetFacePyramids(List<Mesh> meshList, double d){

    pyramids = new List<Mesh>();

    for(int m = 0; m < meshList.Count;m++){
      pyramid = new Mesh();

      Mesh M = meshList[m];
      M.Vertices.CombineIdentical(true, true);


      var MTV = M.TopologyVertices;
      var MF = M.Faces;
      var MFN = M.FaceNormals;

      for(int i = 0; i < MF.Count;i++){
        Vector3d faceNormal = (Vector3d) MFN[i] * d;
        Point3d center = MF.GetFaceCenter(i) + faceNormal;

        int[] adjV = MF.GetTopologicalVertices(i);
        for(int j = 0; j < adjV.Length;j++){
          Point3d p1 = MTV[adjV[j]];
          Point3d p2 = MTV[adjV[(j + 1) % adjV.Length]];
          UpdatePyramidMesh(new Point3d[3]{p1,p2,center});

      pyramid.Vertices.CombineIdentical(true, true);

  public void UpdatePyramidMesh(Point3d[] v){
    Mesh m = new Mesh();
    m.Faces.AddFace(0, 1, 2);

I assume that it can been done via components as well (not my game)

Thank you, but I’m not sure this is what I was looking for. I am working with components.

It is … but without components. I’m sure that some other good Samaritan who … blah, blah.

On the other hand - general case - one should check “self Ccx events”. That’s another animal.

“extrude to point” component