Make2D view depth

Is there a way to set the view depth when using Make2D component. I have been setting up my views like this, but it does not set up the depth.

to access those options you need to use the component Model View under Rhino → Viewports

it allows to create a custom View that can be plugged into Make2D

I don’t seem to have a Rhino toolbar in my Grasshopper. Is that something you can enable? Through a plugin maybe?

it’s in rhino 8. you can download it for 90 days for free and there is a discount for the upgrade until February.

by the way, if you are using a Parallel View there’s no “distance from camera to target” as it’s parallel

any view from parallel planes which have aligned origins will generate the very same result:

parallel (15.6 KB)
(this sample is in R7)