I feel like the Make2d option using the Layer Name input is misleading. I don’t get output on the named layer, I get sub-layers under the named layer that then need to be managed. Is there a way to include a check box for ‘group output on sublayers’ or something?
Hi Eric - for now, it looks like you can manually move everything to the top level layer and grouping stays intact - I realize it is not the whole job but you can, perhaps relatively painlessly, get it done
I know how these suggestions tend to bloom into big bouquets of unintended consequences, but at a glance I would say: An option to use sublayers or not, plus an option to do linetype either by object or by layer.
It’s a little strange in that selecting ‘From input objects’ or ‘Maintain source layers’ doesn’t get you any linetypes in the 2D tangent or hidden output, but naming a layer does produce linetypes by layer.
Could you please be more specific, and list the aspects you’d like to customize. Some customization is very easy and possible with macros (as in @pascal example above). Thank you for your feedback.
Thank you for the feedback, and you came up with a nice flow.
You can have any custom arrangement you need though running Male2D multiple times. This has some inconvenience, but the desired arrangement vary from one user to the next. Only standard layouts are baked into Make2D. In the interest of not complicating the command flow and interface, it might be best to opt for simplicity. Of course, if a certain arrangement is very widely used, then we can consider adding it, or put together a macro to help.
@rajaa, I feel that RH-41245 was hijacked to become something the OP didn’t request. I think it has been demonstrated (enough at least) that the current arrangement for the First Angle Projection should be changed. Allowing custom changes to the layout is something that can be considered in a next stage.
Also see this thread (in which I also reference other threads):
I just posted about this in another thread, but just want to say that I miss the control that Rhino5 had over make2D layering. It was relatively easy to do away with the default sublayering scheme and put outputs onto custom layers.