Is anyone experiencing make2d issue, more specifically it creates nothing when there any clipping planes cutting through geometry. Just double checked that the existence of a clipping plane doesn’t cause this, only when it cuts through any geometry in the scene. I am on the latest version of rhino 6 - (6.14.19078.12411, 3/19/2019).
Are you sure the clipping plane isn’t clipping away the result of Make2D? Try deleting or moving the clipping plane after you have used Make2D. Does that work?
The clipping plane does clip geometry, but if it does, then make2d doesn’t produce any 2d drawing out of them. I tried the same on another computer with earlier version of rhino installed (Version 6 SR12
(6.12.19029.6381, 1/29/2019)), and it worked without any issue.
Of course I can post the file, but it is more like a version specific problem because I can easily reproduce the issue on the specific version of rhino. I have three computers two with the latest version of rhino (6.14.19078.12411, 3/19/2019), and one with older version (6.12.19029.6381, 1/29/2019).
To reproduce,
make sure you have the latest version of rhino (6.14.19078.12411, 3/19/2019)
make a solid box
in top view, make2d of the box
it creates rectangle of the box
make a clipping plane, and locate it either high up above or far below so it does not cut the box
make2d of everything on the screen in top view
it creates rectangle - the mere existence of the clipping plane seems not be the cause of the issue.
move the clipping plane so it cuts through the box
in top view, make sure you see the section, in other words, set the clipping plane cut through in the top view.
make2d - no 2d cut will be produced.
it might not be the issue of the version, in which case something must have gone wrong with the copy installed on my computers. but the same happens on two computers, so i suspect it is the version specific issue.
please let me know if you can reproduce the issue, that will be much appreciated.