Hello, Please assist me in closing this body. There are a few dots and surfaces I cannot get rid of. I want to join all the surfaces and make a close body.
Trail ZXX.3dm (2.0 MB)
There are lots of naked edges, even pesky tiny ones.
Since this is a relatively straightforward geometry, I’d quickly and diligently remodel it, instead of possibly spending even more time trying to fix this mess.
Now, you can take the existing geometry and model on top of it, which is easier than starting from tabula rasa. And you only need to redo half of the model, since it’s symmetrical along an axis. When you’re done, mirror it over, join both halves and run MergeAllCoplanarFaces
to get rid of the seam, where possible.
Why is the absolute tolerance 0.0001? 0.001 or 0.01 would be more appropriate.
I don’t think you need to start over. But I do agree with some of diff-arch’s advice. Split the existing model down the middle and delete half. Fix the remaining half, then Mirror and Join.
There is some non-manifold geometry which needs to be fixed. Non-manifold means more than two edges are adjacent.
ExtractSrf with Copy=No one of the surfaces along each naked edge. Fix the surface (possibly using MatchSrf) or create a replacement surface, then Join.
RemoveAllNakedMicroEdges may be useful.