Make Script Editor "Pervasive?"

Is there a way to have it stay open when I startup an addition session (file) of Rhino?

I know I can make Python Script Edit a Startup item, but I’d like to hold off on that.

Each Rhino instance has its own editor window that only runs scripts in that instance ( on Windows at least). I’m not sure what problem you are trying to solve…?

Understood, thx.

For example: I’m working on some model and decide I want to tweak a script I’m using in a fresh Rhino instance. It would be nice to not have open a new editor, and keep track of multiple editor windows.

That said, I of course can see the benefit of each editor window being independent per Rhino Instance, so no negative feedback on the status quo.

We’ll, instance independence can actually be a hidden advantage. If you do something stupid in a script while developing and it hangs, at least you only crash that one instance, not all of your running Rhinos…

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Yes, Hallelujah to that!

If you don’t mind (whenever u have time) I’m going to ask a follow-up on another thread for a script you offered up… There is a way to group object by layer? (easy) - #4 by Helvetosaur