Make 2D - Lines not continuous

Hello everyone, I’m facing trouble with the Make2D command, I have many lines that are not continous, with tiny intersection between them. I’m loosing quite some time to joining everything to make the silhouette for example.
The precision I am working with is 0.1 unit. I tried make2D with a precision of 1 unit and 0.001 unit but it didn’t work.
Thank you for your help,

unfortuneatly known behavior, see:

maybe try v7

Can you please share the file, and what service release you are using?
There has been many performance improvements (fixed performance issue…) and it would be helpful see the issues if you share your example

Good morning Rajaa, where can I share with you the model without posting it on the forum ?

Thank you

Please upload to the McNeel Support upload, and put a link to this discussion and my name in the comments. Thanks

It’s done! Thank you!

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