Magic Mouse with Rhino 8 update 12/2024

Hey guys -
I’ve been using a magic mouse on a mac, successfully until the recent update. I used to be able to zoom simply by ‘scrolling’ the left ‘button’ but now it just pans me around the screen. I can zoom the same way as before but only if hitting the ‘option’ key. Any idea how to restore things to how it worked before?

Currently running: 8.14.24345.15002, 2024-12-10

Thanks in advance.

what are you settings in rhino 8>settings>mouse>magic mouse?

and what are you settings in rhino 8>settings>mouse?

screen shots?

Hey Kyle.
These are my settings:

darn that looks the same as I have here… was hoping we could do a quick setting change.

I don’t have a magic mouse here… may have to have some other community members chime in.

Thanks for taking a look. Without changing anything, it is working now. I think that if my computer ‘sleeps’, there’s a lag between when the computer comes back online and when the zoom function works. For about 30 seconds or so, the left ‘button’ just pans the screen and then after a bit, then the zoom function works.

that’s weird… I guess we’ll take the win and move on- thanks for updating this!